I'm King Him and a Chicago artist. I HAVE TWO KIDS AND MY MOM IS JUST ABOUT READY TO PUT ME OUT. SHE DON'T BELIEVE IN MY MUSIC DREAM WELL NONE OF MY DREAMS SHE JUST WANT ME TO WORK FOR SOMEBODY ELSE. F--- THAT I WANT TO WORK FOR MYSELF AND GIVE MY KIDS A JOB OR HELP THEM WITH THEIR DREAMS YOU KNOW. I'M DENZEL JONES AKA KING HIM AND IM TRYING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE WITH MY MUSIC. By Donating you'll be helping me pay rent and farther my music career. I am the new wave and sound of music check out my tracks. https://soundcloud.com/kinghim. I promise i want let you all down. So help me change the world and people lifes.