
GMB BOT Extract UNLIMITED Leads from Google Maps for $56

95.1% (104)
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GMB BOT Extract UNLIMITED Leads from Google Maps

Extract UNLIMITED Leads & UNclaimed GMBs

Detect Businesses worldwide and Extract their Leads Quickly!
We are the only tool that can export 500 Leads in 2 Clicks in less than 2 Minutes!

With GMBScraperBot you will be able to get more than a Phone Number/Email from your leads extraction activities.

You can also find UNclaimed GMBs listings (Google my business) and get a clear vision of the competition in your area.

You can also Monetize/make money by selling google maps data at Marketplaces
and Charge per lead!

Google map Scraper functions :
-Phone Number
-Business Full Name
-Business Full Adress
-Average Rating
-Reviews Count
-Linkedin URK
-Facebook URL
-Twitter URL
-Instagram URL

What's included

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GOOGLEMAP GOOGLEMAPBOT GOOGLEBOT scrapingbot scraper scrapedata datamining


1 reviews

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  • 1
  • 0

3 years ago
not working, can not search


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its work for all of country or have limitartion - for example for IRAN

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GMB BOT Extract UNLIMITED Leads from Google Maps for $56 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 1 user reviews.
$56 - In stock

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